The Rejected Writers Book Club by Suzanne Kelman

The Rejected Writers Book Club by Suzanne Kelman

The Rejected Writers' Book Club (Southlea Bay, #1)The Rejected Writers’ Book Club by Suzanne Kelman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Rejected Writers’ Book Club. Need I say more? The title alone indicates that this book stands in direct opposition to the very purpose of a writer — to be published. That is what drew me to the book.

A humorous rollercoaster ride. Who in their right in mind would be horrified at getting a letter for publication? Any of the ladies in the Rejected Writers’ Book Club, that’s who. These never-wanna-be published writers come together to enjoy each others company, Doris’ delicious cakes, and each others terrible writing. In fact, they get a kick out of how bad they are, admitting, with light-hearted humor that they are “horrible writers.”

But there is one crucial rule to being a member of the club: you must be a Rejected Writer. So when one of the group actually receives an acceptance for publication, the entire group is horrified—will the group have to break up?

In order to regain her membership status, the once-rejected lady is determined to go straight to the publisher and demand he reject her work. And if he refuses, then she’s prepared to stage a sit-in, complete with chains—anything to regain her rejected status.

This story is so hilariously off-the-wall it had be rolling with laughter. When they go on their road trip to San Francisco, the story just got better. From car breakdowns to landslides to deep snow, these women stuck together, helping not only each other but shining a bright light on others around them. It was thoroughly uplifting how these wonderful, yet horrible writers, could make lemonade out of oranges.

The novel depicts the truest form of friendship, how first impressions can be misguided and the bond between friends can be stronger than an unwashed, ghost-telling vagrant, and sweeter than Dora’s Carrot Cake. A well written novel in the coziest of formats.

So pass the cake and let’s hear more of your horrible poetry, please.

I received this pre-release book from Net Galley for my honest opinion, HOWEVER, I enjoyed it so much I purchased a copy.

NOTE: this novel may not be for everyone, and unless you can see the pun in cheek intent, you’re better off leaving the book on the coffee table.

View all my reviews

Minor updated made Sept 22, 2021

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