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Tag: writing tips

NaNoWriMo is More than a Month Event

NaNoWriMo is More than a Month Event

. . . NaNoWriMo isn’t for people who “have” time for writing. It’s about making time for writing. It’s about deciding that for just one month, you’re going to prioritize creativity in your life. . . . I am an avid reader of Writer’s Digest online, and today they offered a PDF specifically for NaNoWriMo. Primarily, This little nugget isn’t for just November NaNo, it applies to every day, and every time you sit down to write. Just thought I…

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Finding Writing Prompts with Fishwrap

Finding Writing Prompts with Fishwrap

When you hit that writing wall or are trying to come up with that best-selling story, you COULD try picture prompts or…. get out the FISHWRAP. FISH•WRAP: Slang for any printed journalistic medium (newspaper, magazine, etc.) with such low credibility and standards in acceptable journalism, that its only useful function is to wrap fresh fish in. Well, this definition isn’t exactly true. Old newspapers were used for a variety of things, from wrapping fish (or other items) from the market,…

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Learning from Book Reviews

Learning from Book Reviews

Reviews can help you be a better writer, if you listen. Authors can become obsessed by reviews, but there is more there than good or bad. Reviews give you a lot of insight into what the reader expects in a book. This morning, Amazon sent their latest book reads offer for $1.99. One book caught my attention, not to read, but I liked the cover, so I went to the product page to take a screen shot for my “cover…

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My Writing Formula

My Writing Formula

If you ask a writer how to write a novel, you’ll hear a dozen different answers. From note cards to outlines. I tried them all and each time I felt bogged down, stuck. In fact, I got lost in the quagmire of paper. I felt like I was preparing for a full-scale invasion rather than writing a story. I kept hearing the words, “Just get it down.” I didn’t understand what that meant until I did it. Earlier this year…

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