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Tag: Writing Tip

Inspiration for your Writing: Getting to know your Characters

Inspiration for your Writing: Getting to know your Characters

Happy Tuesday, I’ve been spending a lot of time writing, re-writing, editing this month. Last week, I had an epiphany which put my writing in perspective. Currently, I am writing a new WIP, Nellie Stockbridge Mystery, and an old work entitled Woman in a Pale Dress – a MS I completed “ages” ago, but was such a mess I threw it in a drawer. While writing on both, at different times during the day, I discovered a startling difference between…

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How to Beat the Writing Devils

How to Beat the Writing Devils

Happy Friday, Idleness is the writers devil. But we can’t write “all” the time, can we? Actually, it comes down to your definition of writing. In a previous note, I mentioned that writing alone is hard. Yes, we DO write alone, but without connections with other writers, we feel ALONE – then that little devil creeps in, lying to you: “You can’t do this? Why even bother? You don’t have the time.” If you have two minutes (like reading this…

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Daily Digest: Plotting in a Nutshell: The Three Acts

Daily Digest: Plotting in a Nutshell: The Three Acts

Happy Cyber Monday, Before you head out and buy too much stuff, or if you have already, then here’s a little tidbit that can help you even if you are at the beginning, middle or nearing the end of your book. Many writers have a difficult time understanding the concept of Plotting. Every writer is different: some are pantsers (write by the seat of their pants), others outline and still others, like me, are in-between. Even after years of writing…

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