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Tag: KM Weiland

Daily Digest: Your Story’s Theme

Daily Digest: Your Story’s Theme

THEME. That elusive animal that many ignore, cannot describe, or don’t understand: until now. First, ask yourself: If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound. Or does it yell, “I am Groot!” and trash everything in sight? We know that within a story we have Characters and Plot. But there is a central element, a beacon in the night that is “Why” you are writing the story in the first place. That is THEME.

Two Halves of the Inciting Event by KM Weiland

Two Halves of the Inciting Event by KM Weiland

Morning! (or afternoon/evening/zzzz) Hope you’ve got your writing mojo churning… time for some fun with one of my favorite authors: K.M. Weiland. As I sit here sipping my lukewarm coffee, ready to re-heat it for the second time, I received KM’s email, and joy filled my heart. Well, perhaps not that intense of an emotion, but I am always happy to open her emails and read her pearls of wisdom. The Ah-Ha Moment I am continually looking for the nuggets of…

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The Benefits of Humanizing Characters

The Benefits of Humanizing Characters

Hey everyone, It’s the first day of NaNoWriMo. For those who are new to this, that is “National Novel Writing Month.” I love this time of year. Work is winding down (sort of) and the holidays are gearing up. And with our New Year’s resolutions looming in the sidelines, we have one last shot to complete them, right? So, what did I do with my NaNo Morning? I welcomed a new author, had coffee, read my emails and am now…

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