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Tag: AI

Daily Digest: The Breakdown of the Chapter

Daily Digest: The Breakdown of the Chapter

Crafting a novel can be overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable pieces can make the process easier. Whether you use outlines, write by the seat of your pants, or a combination of both, each chapter of your final manuscript must contain essential elements. To avoid becoming overwhelmed by the enormity of writing an entire novel, approach it one chapter at a time. By breaking down the novel, you can manage the writing process better and ensure that each chapter…

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Authors Writing a Novel with ChatGPT AI

Authors Writing a Novel with ChatGPT AI

I began my journey with ChatGPT in November 2022 and was immediately impressed by its potential. As a writer and designer, I was eager to explore this new tool’s capabilities. Initially, I asked ChatGPT silly questions like “How old are you?” or “What would your name be, if you had one?” But soon, I became curious about its ability to write a novel, and, more importantly, write well.