Using the Story Circle to meet New Years Resolutions

Using the Story Circle to meet New Years Resolutions

A New Journey Begins — 

2022 Year of the Tiger

Everything follows a Story Circle: novels, movies and life. We want something. Sometimes it is easy to attain, others feel elusive or just out of our reach.

The old year is coming to a close and a new bright year will dawn full of expectations. When writing, you must have a clear idea on how you plan to achieve your goal every day, from Jan 1 to Dec 31.

You know the opening scene: where you are now. You know the ending scene: where you want to be.

Meeting Resolutions and Dan Harmon’s Story Circle.

You start the journey, wanting something. You strive to get it but struggle along the way. Either you give up or you push through until the end.

I have no problem writing the opening and closing Acts to my novels. But when I’d reach the muddy middle, my brain would cloud. I continued to write but it felt disjointed, unclear — just words on a page.

For 2021, I decided to make a fresh start. A new story idea. The excitement, the newness of the characters — and plug along no matter what. Every day writing. That was the key.

January 1, 2021

My Writing Journey Using Dan harmon’s Story Circle

  1. I start out at normal. A clean slate. All the other MS have a falling. Let’s start fresh.
  2. I desire (WANT) to write and publish a novel.  It’s January, a new year and I WILL success. Just sit down and write. I know I have it in me to do this, do just do it!
  3. I move toward that desire. With the help of my author friend (85-year-old) we come up with a great idea. I start the expanded writing outline.
  4. I enter an unfamiliar situation. The muddy middle is torture, obstacles, setbacks, frustration. I can’t see how to get through it. Some of my characters are balking at what I need them to do. I am stuck and frustrated.
  5. I adapt to that situation – Rather than trashing what I’ve written, I look for other writers who’ve successfully traversed the muddy void. I watch videos, practice, struggle, learn.
  6. I get what I wanted – Eureka. I find clarity, a better understanding of the story structure, writing techniques and above all, genre expectations.
  7. I pay a heavy price – It is now November and I won’t meet my year’s resolution. So, I practice, read and learn to better prepare me for the next year: Know my Characters better (including their profession). The Story Circle. Writing in sprints to reach 5,000 words a day.
  8. I return to a familiar situation – December 31. I am now as my NEW NORMAL. As I end this year, I am back to my years resolution: to write, edit and publish a novel. But now, I have a better arsenal of understanding to meet the battle head one.

What is your New Years resolution?

In January, I didn’t know that my understanding of the Three Act / Story Circle was lacking. The reason why eluded me, until November 2021 when I started to delve into why my MS’s always fell short. I discovered something about myself, and my writing that has better prepared me for the future.

  1. Use the Story Circle
  2. Getting to know your characters intimately
  3. Defeating the Writing Devils: Write every day, write in sprints, Believe in yourself.

Many times, we discover what we WANTED isn’t what we NEEDED. When they tell you to “write what you know,” you KNOW the story structure — the Circle. You have lived it, are living it, and will live it.

Enjoy the Day!


PLEASE comment below your resolution/desire/want for 2022. Perhaps we can make the journey together.

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