Rune of Panutoo, cover concept

Rune of Panutoo, cover concept

Rune of Panutoo by Sumi FyhrieComing soon, the latest book in the SimpleTown Tales Series. Rune of Panutoo. The original story concept was written by my niece years ago. She gave me her hand written pages and I put them away in a memory drawer. When I revisited the story over a dozen years later, I found it interesting and worthy of publication.

Here’s a cover concepts using elements from inside the book.


In a faraway land lived the mighty Tiger King named Oskwidge and his beautiful Queen Leylon. The kingdom was very excited and happy because the royal couple was expecting their first child.

Each day King Oskwidge would bring tea with lemon to his Queen and ask, “Is it time?” for which she would reply, “No my dear, not yet.”

One misty morning the King brought the tea and as always asked, “Is it time?” This morning, the Queen smiled. “Yes my dear, it is time.”

There was great rejoicing in the land as King Oskwidge announced his son and heir. “I give to you people of Panutoo, Prince Rune.”

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