Daily Digest: The Breakdown of the Chapter

Daily Digest: The Breakdown of the Chapter

Crafting a novel can be overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable pieces can make the process easier. Whether you use outlines, write by the seat of your pants, or a combination of both, each chapter of your final manuscript must contain essential elements. To avoid becoming overwhelmed by the enormity of writing an entire novel, approach it one chapter at a time. By breaking down the novel, you can manage the writing process better and ensure that each chapter…

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Authors Writing a Novel with ChatGPT AI

Authors Writing a Novel with ChatGPT AI

I began my journey with ChatGPT in November 2022 and was immediately impressed by its potential. As a writer and designer, I was eager to explore this new tool’s capabilities. Initially, I asked ChatGPT silly questions like “How old are you?” or “What would your name be, if you had one?” But soon, I became curious about its ability to write a novel, and, more importantly, write well.

Daily Digest: Potentially Lost Sales and Royalties due to Amazon’s Increased Retail Pricing Glitch

Daily Digest: Potentially Lost Sales and Royalties due to Amazon’s Increased Retail Pricing Glitch

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 Several of my client’s print titles had an unexpected dramatic increase in “Retail Price” on Amazon. (ebooks seem to be fine). While Amazon technically has the right to do this, they must also increase the publisher’s royalty. What is worst, It is hard to “sell” books if the price is $10 or higher than retail. What a Holiday Headache!