NaNoWriMo 2021: What’s Your Goal?

NaNoWriMo 2021: What’s Your Goal?


In  a few days, I’ll be diving into not one, not two, not even three projects. I’ve challenged myself far beyond my possible tolerance. But I am not looking at completing my challenge in November. This goes far beyond, well into 2022 and 2023.

As in the previous post, NaNoWriMo is more than a month event. Perhaps I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, but the bones of success are there. Most of my works are done, and just need tweaking, and since I write in the morning, editing and revising later in the day and at night should work, eh?

More Than a One Month Challenge

It’s about getting back to a routine. Whether I write anything, stare at the blank screen, or am inspired where words flow onto the page — my writing time is ONLY for writing. It’s my challenge, my goal.

The list of my challenge, in order of priority:

1. Nellie Stockbridge Mystery (1)

This is a new novel I’ve been writing / outlining for most of 2021, with my writing friend and mentor Ron Lovell. Unlike Ron, who is a pantser and former Journalism Professor (and a darn good one), I need more guidelines, reigning in. In the past, I would overthink, having far too many ideas that ended up turning my story into a confusing mess. Not this time!

2. Children’s books (5)

The artwork is done for 4 of children’s books with 1 more on the way. I’ll be revising the text for a 2022 release.

3. Middle Grade MS (3)

I have 3 MG books written, all in need of editing. The exciting parts (slices of bread) are there — now they need filling, transitions and the “slow down.”

So, What’s on your plate for your NaNo?  Let me know . . .

Enjoy the Day!


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