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Category: Daily Digest

Daily Digest: How Much is Too Much Backstory?

Daily Digest: How Much is Too Much Backstory?

Readers want backstory information on characters and events. Having the right amount of backstory is tough, especially when you have so much great material to choose from. So, how much backstory should you include AND how do you effectively add it to the story? Backstory helps create complexity in your characters. [Like an iceberg], ninety percent of any given character … lies beneath the surface. —Megan Burkhart First, Let’s Look at the Pros and Cons of Backstory.

Daily Digest: The Story Circle

Daily Digest: The Story Circle

Happy Thursday, everyone. I am doing my Daily Digest early as I may be knee deep into my writing tomorrow morning. Had a long session yesterday, and am a little “fuzzy,” so not as much writing getting done today, despite lots of caffeine. I ran across a great article while researching Dan Harmon’s Story Circle. Every storyline uses this model. Those that deviate are called adaptations, but they still have the bones of the Story Circle.

Writing Compost: Thinking Does Not ALWAYS Mean Procrastination

Writing Compost: Thinking Does Not ALWAYS Mean Procrastination

Happy Monday, Everyone! Even with the slow time of year, I find maintaining a writing schedule difficult, but it is ONE habit I am determined to re-create (and keep.) Got up at 5:30 am this morning and wrote, edited, researched and thought. And honestly, I felt I didn’t accomplish much. I spent way too much time researching and thinking about how to execute a murder, instead of writing about it. So what did I do? I went to my NaNoWriMo…

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Writers helping Writers: The importance of connecting

Writers helping Writers: The importance of connecting

Hey everyone, Today I want to mention how writers NEED other writers. We are an unusual breed. When writing, we don’t want to be disturbed—ever. We get downright cranky when the words are flowing from our fingertips and then we get a phone call, a child needs a drink of water, the dog needs walking, and so on. Week two of NaNoWriMo is over. So, how are you doing?  Outline, write a poem, germinate an idea while riding a train…

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The Benefits of Humanizing Characters

The Benefits of Humanizing Characters

Hey everyone, It’s the first day of NaNoWriMo. For those who are new to this, that is “National Novel Writing Month.” I love this time of year. Work is winding down (sort of) and the holidays are gearing up. And with our New Year’s resolutions looming in the sidelines, we have one last shot to complete them, right? So, what did I do with my NaNo Morning? I welcomed a new author, had coffee, read my emails and am now…

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