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Author: Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott

Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott has over 30+ years (1981) advertising and graphic design experience, designing over 300 books (digital and print) through (@FirstStepPub (twitter)). The author of several step-by-step guides and tutorials she also provides free tips, videos, advice and tutorials on self-publishing on
Discovering Depth in My Characters

Discovering Depth in My Characters

I just finished a great 2 hour writing session — 1000 words based on introducing two of sub-characters in my book “Bully of Burke.” I am fascinated by history, and when they state “a picture says a thousands words” it is so true. I have been scouring the photographic records of TN Barnard and Nellie Stockbridge from the Coeur d’Alenes, and with each photo – a new character comes to life. Over 10 years ago I outlined my mining story…

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Finding Writing Prompts with Fishwrap

Finding Writing Prompts with Fishwrap

When you hit that writing wall or are trying to come up with that best-selling story, you COULD try picture prompts or…. get out the FISHWRAP. FISH•WRAP: Slang for any printed journalistic medium (newspaper, magazine, etc.) with such low credibility and standards in acceptable journalism, that its only useful function is to wrap fresh fish in. Well, this definition isn’t exactly true. Old newspapers were used for a variety of things, from wrapping fish (or other items) from the market,…

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Learning from Book Reviews

Learning from Book Reviews

Reviews can help you be a better writer, if you listen. Authors can become obsessed by reviews, but there is more there than good or bad. Reviews give you a lot of insight into what the reader expects in a book. This morning, Amazon sent their latest book reads offer for $1.99. One book caught my attention, not to read, but I liked the cover, so I went to the product page to take a screen shot for my “cover…

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Rune of Panutoo, cover concept

Rune of Panutoo, cover concept

Coming soon, the latest book in the SimpleTown Tales Series. Rune of Panutoo. The original story concept was written by my niece years ago. She gave me her hand written pages and I put them away in a memory drawer. When I revisited the story over a dozen years later, I found it interesting and worthy of publication. Here’s a cover concepts using elements from inside the book. Opening: In a faraway land lived the mighty Tiger King named Oskwidge…

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Alvin Shoestring Wilson: Character (Nellie Stockbridge Mystery)

Alvin Shoestring Wilson: Character (Nellie Stockbridge Mystery)

BACKSTORY: Shoestring Wilson “I am always going to live in Spokane. It’s the best city I was ever in.” Purpose: Developing Characters (from real life) for Nellie Stockbridge MysteryLocation: Spokane, Washington 1900 Accessed Nostalgia Magazine article (February 2021) Born in Illinois in 1861, Alvin L. Wilson worked as an electrician in the cutting edge world of electricity. Electricity and the new technological advances were exciting and new, and Alvin excelled at his profession. When, at the Chicago 1893 fair, he watched President…

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