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Author: Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott

Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott has over 30+ years (1981) advertising and graphic design experience, designing over 300 books (digital and print) through (@FirstStepPub (twitter)). The author of several step-by-step guides and tutorials she also provides free tips, videos, advice and tutorials on self-publishing on
Daily Digest: Plotting in a Nutshell: The Three Acts

Daily Digest: Plotting in a Nutshell: The Three Acts

Happy Cyber Monday, Before you head out and buy too much stuff, or if you have already, then here’s a little tidbit that can help you even if you are at the beginning, middle or nearing the end of your book. Many writers have a difficult time understanding the concept of Plotting. Every writer is different: some are pantsers (write by the seat of their pants), others outline and still others, like me, are in-between. Even after years of writing…

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Writing Compost: Thinking Does Not ALWAYS Mean Procrastination

Writing Compost: Thinking Does Not ALWAYS Mean Procrastination

Happy Monday, Everyone! Even with the slow time of year, I find maintaining a writing schedule difficult, but it is ONE habit I am determined to re-create (and keep.) Got up at 5:30 am this morning and wrote, edited, researched and thought. And honestly, I felt I didn’t accomplish much. I spent way too much time researching and thinking about how to execute a murder, instead of writing about it. So what did I do? I went to my NaNoWriMo…

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Writers helping Writers: The importance of connecting

Writers helping Writers: The importance of connecting

Hey everyone, Today I want to mention how writers NEED other writers. We are an unusual breed. When writing, we don’t want to be disturbed—ever. We get downright cranky when the words are flowing from our fingertips and then we get a phone call, a child needs a drink of water, the dog needs walking, and so on. Week two of NaNoWriMo is over. So, how are you doing?  Outline, write a poem, germinate an idea while riding a train…

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“Time of Death” nominated Paranormal Thriller finalist

“Time of Death” nominated Paranormal Thriller finalist

Time of Death” has been named a Paranormal Thriller finalist in the 2021 Best Thriller Book Awards! So happy for Carrie Merrill on her award. Had such a good time creating the cover  for  “Time of Death” and now, look at her!  Carrie is a prolific writer, and we’ve worked together on several covers — the latest “The Lazarus Project.” Check out her Amazon page for all her titles. Ebook sold exclusively on Amazon. (Print) Available everywhere books are sold….

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Two Halves of the Inciting Event by KM Weiland

Two Halves of the Inciting Event by KM Weiland

Morning! (or afternoon/evening/zzzz) Hope you’ve got your writing mojo churning… time for some fun with one of my favorite authors: K.M. Weiland. As I sit here sipping my lukewarm coffee, ready to re-heat it for the second time, I received KM’s email, and joy filled my heart. Well, perhaps not that intense of an emotion, but I am always happy to open her emails and read her pearls of wisdom. The Ah-Ha Moment I am continually looking for the nuggets of…

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