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Author: Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott

Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott has over 30+ years (1981) advertising and graphic design experience, designing over 300 books (digital and print) through (@FirstStepPub (twitter)). The author of several step-by-step guides and tutorials she also provides free tips, videos, advice and tutorials on self-publishing on
Using the Story Circle to meet New Years Resolutions

Using the Story Circle to meet New Years Resolutions

A New Journey Begins —  Everything follows a Story Circle: novels, movies and life. We want something. Sometimes it is easy to attain, others feel elusive or just out of our reach. The old year is coming to a close and a new bright year will dawn full of expectations. When writing, you must have a clear idea on how you plan to achieve your goal every day, from Jan 1 to Dec 31.

Inspiration for your Writing: Getting to know your Characters

Inspiration for your Writing: Getting to know your Characters

Happy Tuesday, I’ve been spending a lot of time writing, re-writing, editing this month. Last week, I had an epiphany which put my writing in perspective. Currently, I am writing a new WIP, Nellie Stockbridge Mystery, and an old work entitled Woman in a Pale Dress – a MS I completed “ages” ago, but was such a mess I threw it in a drawer. While writing on both, at different times during the day, I discovered a startling difference between…

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Daily Digest: The Story Circle

Daily Digest: The Story Circle

Happy Thursday, everyone. I am doing my Daily Digest early as I may be knee deep into my writing tomorrow morning. Had a long session yesterday, and am a little “fuzzy,” so not as much writing getting done today, despite lots of caffeine. I ran across a great article while researching Dan Harmon’s Story Circle. Every storyline uses this model. Those that deviate are called adaptations, but they still have the bones of the Story Circle.

How to Beat the Writing Devils

How to Beat the Writing Devils

Happy Friday, Idleness is the writers devil. But we can’t write “all” the time, can we? Actually, it comes down to your definition of writing. In a previous note, I mentioned that writing alone is hard. Yes, we DO write alone, but without connections with other writers, we feel ALONE – then that little devil creeps in, lying to you: “You can’t do this? Why even bother? You don’t have the time.” If you have two minutes (like reading this…

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