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Author: Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott

Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott has over 30+ years (1981) advertising and graphic design experience, designing over 300 books (digital and print) through (@FirstStepPub (twitter)). The author of several step-by-step guides and tutorials she also provides free tips, videos, advice and tutorials on self-publishing on
Gold Medal Winner: Starting a Mirco Business ebook

Gold Medal Winner: Starting a Mirco Business ebook

Suzanne Parrott (First Steps Publishing Services) formatted Carol Topp’s nonfiction book into an ebook format. It required special coding with tables, lists and floating images (right or left of text); provided in Kindle and a validated epub format for Apple and Barnes and Noble. The ebook version of Starting a Micro Business has won a Gold Medal in the Wise Bear Books Digital Book Awards and Best in Category in the Nonfiction-Business/Career book category. Wise Bear Digital Book Awards

A Word on Plagiarism

A Word on Plagiarism

Here’s my intro to my book “the Lost Sigil Ebook Editor Guide” … What do you think? Inviting danger? A Word on Plagiarism Just the word sends chills down the spines of every hard-working writer in the world. And though we would love to be able to eradicate every aspect of literary piracy that simply isn’t possible; however, there are strides we can take to protect ourselves. I was the victim of plagiarism not once, but twice, and both within…

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When Plagiarism Hits Home

When Plagiarism Hits Home

Last December I was on searching for ebook formatting clients. I noticed one project came up looking for someone to write a short manual on Sigil ebook editor. Since that program is the foundation of my eBook Formatting Guide, I was curious. I knew the book would eventually end up in Amazon. I had been writing my own “The Lost Sigil Ebook Editor Manual” for several months so curious why someone would hire a person to write a manual…

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