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Author: Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott

Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott has over 30+ years (1981) advertising and graphic design experience, designing over 300 books (digital and print) through (@FirstStepPub (twitter)). The author of several step-by-step guides and tutorials she also provides free tips, videos, advice and tutorials on self-publishing on
A Writer is Like a Gardener

A Writer is Like a Gardener

There is a lot of preparation required before planting: tilling the soil, pulling weeds, fertilizing. Once the groundwork is done (outline, research), then comes the planting of seeds — a lot of seeds — more than are needed for a healthy garden. I know that not all seeds I plant will take root. Some will be healthy, others weak and thin. And I can’t just stare at it every day, waiting and watching for the plants to grow. Instead, I walk…

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Time Stoppers by Carrie Jones

Time Stoppers by Carrie Jones

Time Stoppers by Carrie Jones My rating: 4 of 5 stars Time Stoppers introduces a cast of underdog characters that readers 8-12 will enjoy. Annie Nobody is in her 12th foster home, and though tries to befriend her new family, she is cruelly locked out of the house until she can perform one ‘simple’ task – teach the dog/wolf hybrids how to do a backflip. Jamie, a dark-skinned boy, lives with his family, or so he thinks. After witnessing his…

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The Rejected Writers Book Club by Suzanne Kelman

The Rejected Writers Book Club by Suzanne Kelman

The Rejected Writers’ Book Club by Suzanne Kelman My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Rejected Writers’ Book Club. Need I say more? The title alone indicates that this book stands in direct opposition to the very purpose of a writer — to be published. That is what drew me to the book. A humorous rollercoaster ride. Who in their right in mind would be horrified at getting a letter for publication? Any of the ladies in the Rejected Writers’…

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Greedy the Troll and Other Odd Fairy Tales

Greedy the Troll and Other Odd Fairy Tales

Trolls, dwarves, dragons, giants, fungus and moss – what could be more fun than that? Add a mystery and quest and you have a story. I am currently compiling several small short stories I have written / published over the years into one volume. It’s like a Grimms Fairy tales meets the Wind in the Willows. The star of the show is a short, obnoxious troll who’s entire purpose in life is to be secluded in her swamp, or so…

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